
Queerstralia, a three-part landmark documentary series hosted by award-winning comedian Zoë Coombs Marr, sets out to redress this imbalance. It will wipe away the straightwashing and look into the untold and frankly FASCINATING Queer history of Australia.

As Seen On:

Episode 1 Trailer


Season 1: 3 x 60'

From Cook to convicts to the ANZACS - most of us who’ve sat through primary school think we kinda know Australian history. But there’s another, hidden history - one of gay diggers, lesbian convict gangs, trans entrepreneurs, cross-dressing bushrangers, legendary drag acts and the modern-day heroes who have fought for change and acceptance.

Heck, Colonial Australia was essentially founded on homophobia. In 1787, Captain Arthur Phillip wrote that in the new colony “there are two crimes that would merit the sentence of death; murder and sodomy.” Criminalised and pathologised, living with the constant threat of persecution and worse, Queers have long known it makes sense to stay out of the spotlight. And consequently, LGBTQIA+ histories have stayed hidden. This means that for Queer people, attempting to find our predecessors is a tricky process. Our stories exist in the margins, and we have to read between the lines of the official texts to find evidence of our existence.

Across three episodes, you’ll understand how colonisation affected First Nations sexualities, importing and enforcing heteronormativity, robbing generations of the chance to understand their past. You’ll find out how the Queer community has found strength in diversity. You’ll encounter stories of protest and persecution, of love and despair, of adaptability and resilience. You’ll see how far this country has come and how far it has to go.

As a series and a process, Queerstralia is Queer in its DNA: a queer story, told in a queer way, by a majority queer team, filmed in queer spaces. (See if you can spot them). Throughout the series, Queer Australians of all stripes will join Zoë Coombs Marr to explore significant moments of their lives and our shared history. Nayuka Gorrie will also be on hand to help guide us through the First Nations perspective.

Queerstralia is a Guesswork Television Production presented by Screen Australia and the ABC in association with VicScreen.


INTERVIEWEES: Fadia Abboud, Dennis Altman AM, Tony Ayers, Tony Briffa, Dr Michael Camit, Lyle Chan, Circus, Linda Coombs, Alicia Coombs Marr, Molly Coombs Marr, Ricki Coughlan, Barb Creed, Rodney Croome AM, Aunty Dawn Daylight, Martine Delaney, Peter De Waal, Dr Todd Fernando, Dr Ruth Ford, Bev Francis, Hannah Gadsby, Alissar Gazal, Uncle Dean Gilbert, Ian (Teacosy) Gray, Penny Gulliver, C. Moore Hardy, Nick Henderson, Happy Ho, Dr Dino Hodge, Neralda Jacobs, Ayesha Kazan, Alex Kaufman, Jasper Laybutt, Crystal Love, Peter Marr, Diane Minnis, Stan Munro, Rhys Nicholson, Kimberley O'Sullivan, Julie Peters, Tanya Quakawoot, Dr Yves Rees, Ian Roberts, Dr Sophie Robinson, Georgie Stone Oam, Magda Szubanski AO, Tellurian, Dr Graham Willett, Anthony Brandon Wong

DIRECTED BY: Stamatia Maroupas


EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Kevin Whyte, Jon Casimir & Zoe Coombs Marr

HOST: Zoe Coombs Marrv & Nayuka Gorrie